Trina Ray
Trina Ray, M.S. is an astronomer and systems engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where she started her career with a bang – working on the Voyager Neptune Encounter in August of 1989. She is currently the Deputy Science Manager and Investigation Scientist for the ice penetrating radar instrument on NASA’s newest flagship mission – Europa Clipper. Along the way she was on the Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn (JPL/NASA) for over 20 years specializing in planning the science timelines of all the Titan flybys, but also working up to the Cassini Science Planning and Sequencing Team Deputy, the team that coordinated all the science and uplinked all the commands to Cassini. She has also been a technical group supervisor at JPL.
Trina has received numerous awards, including a NASA medal for Exceptional Service and the prestigious Bruce Murray Award for excellence in education and public engagement outside of normal job duties. She is an active public speaker for NASA, invited to give many talks around the nation. Trina has joined Sirius Travel tours to China in 2009 and to Wyoming in the US in 2017. We are excited to have her join us again in Mazatlan in 2024!