Sarah Gibson

Sarah Gibson

Sarah Gibson, Ph. D. is a Senior Scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) where she has served as Section Head, Deputy Director, and Interim Director of NCAR’s High Altitude Observatory. She is currently Project Scientist on NASA’s PUNCH mission and was Vice President/President of IAU Division E (Sun and Heliosphere) from 2015-2021. She is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the recipient of the 2005 American Astronomical Society/Solar Physics Division (AAS/SPD) Karen Harvey Prize and the 2024 AGU/Space Physics and Aeronomy Eugene Parker Lecture.

Sarah’s research focuses on solar drivers of the terrestrial environment, from space weather to long-term solar cycle variation, and she loves sharing it with the public. She has appeared on NOVA, Weather Geeks, written a blog post for the Huffington Post (2015), and prepared and presented oral and written testimony on the significance of space weather for the Joint Subcommittees on Space and Environment Committee on Science, Space, and Technology (U. S. House of Representatives; 2018). She also co-wrote a solar eclipse musical parody (“My Corona”) which won the AAS/SPD Popular Media Award in 2024.